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5 Ways to Keep Your Store Safe During Black Friday Shopping

Picture of Adrian Smith is currently working at Pikes Peak Security as the general and project manager. With previous military and enrolling in a business management program, he's continuing to expand and improve his skills and knowledge

Adrian Smith is currently working at Pikes Peak Security as the general and project manager. With previous military and enrolling in a business management program, he's continuing to expand and improve his skills and knowledge

Adrian Smith is currently working at Pikes Peak Security as the general and project manager. With previous military experience and enrolling in a business management program, he's continuing to expand and improve his skills and knowledge.

Blue blog graphic with title "5 Ways to Keep Your Store Safe on Black Friday"

Black Friday is one of the busiest shopping days of the year. It can also be one of the most dangerous. There are a lot of people in one place, and there are often high emotions involved in getting the best deals. That’s why it’s important for store owners and managers to take extra security measures on Black Friday.

Pikes Peak Security is the leading security provider along Colorado’s Front Range. We understand that a successful Black Friday or Small Business Saturday is a crucial part of meeting your sales goals for the year, which is why we’re talking about five ways to keep your store safe this shopping season. If you have questions about our retail security services, we’d love to hear from you.

Here are our Black Friday safety tips for store owners and managers:

1. Manage Traffic Flow

Your store will be experiencing much higher traffic than normal, so it’s important to have a plan in place to keep things flowing smoothly and prevent overcrowding. Managing traffic flow starts in the parking lot. Having a seasonal employee or security guard to direct traffic and protect pedestrians will alleviate customer stress and help them enter the store in a better frame of mind.

Inside your store, consider implementing one-way aisles and using stanchions to designate checkout lines. Lastly, have an employee check aisles periodically for snow, water puddles, and fallen merchandise to keep walkways clear. Tripping and falling are some of the biggest hazards during Black Friday shopping.

2. Hire Seasonal Employees

Seasonal employee helping a customer.

You’ll need extra help to manage the increased traffic and store activity, so consider hiring seasonal employees. Seasonal employees can be a great asset in keeping your store safe. They can help with things like directing traffic, monitoring checkout lines, and keeping an eye on high-traffic areas.

If you’re short on staff, consider asking regular employees to work extra shifts. Properly trained employees are your best defense against shoplifting and other crimes. Plus, having adequate staffing will allow you to offer better customer service and prevent employee burnout.

3. Hire Extra Retail Security Guards

In addition to seasonal employees, you may also want to consider hiring extra retail security guards. Security guards can help deter crime and keep an eye on things when you can’t. They can also provide a sense of safety for customers and employees alike. Security guards will help monitor security cameras to prevent shoplifting and address conflict as it occurs. Your employees should not have to worry about de-escalating a fight between customers on the busiest shopping day of the year.

When hiring security guards, be sure to choose a reputable company with experience in the retail industry. You’ll also want to make sure they’re properly trained and licensed.

4. Install Extra Security Cameras and EAS Tags

Security cameras are a great way to deter shoplifting and catch criminals in the act. If you don’t already have security cameras, now is the time to install them. Be sure to place them in high-traffic areas like entrances, exits, and aisles. You may also want to consider investing in security tags for merchandise. These tags will trigger an alarm if someone tries to leave the store without paying.

5. Provide Hand Sanitizer and Masks

The COVID-19 pandemic is still a concern for many people, even as individuals begin to return to normal activities. In addition to COVID, Black Friday occurs at the height of cold and flu season. To help keep your store safe, provide hand sanitizer and masks in high-traffic areas. This will help prevent the spread of germs and make your customers feel more comfortable shopping in your store. We don’t recommend enforcing masks during Black Friday since your staff and security guards will be busy elsewhere, but many of your customers will appreciate the option to mask.

You may also want to consider installing plexiglass shields at checkout counters and other high-traffic areas. This will provide an extra layer of protection for your employees and customers.

Hire Retail Security Guards with Pikes Peak Security

Pikes Peak Security hires the best security guards in Southern Colorado. Our guards all come from military, law enforcement, or extensive security backgrounds. They are skilled in crowd control tactics, customer service, and conflict de-escalation, so they are ready for any situation that your store might face this holiday season. We can also help you create a security plan that will set you up for Black Friday success. If you have questions about retail security or would like to receive a free quote, contact us today.